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SCRIPTURE: Psalms 79:13 "So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations."

1.              To instill in our consciousness the leadership responsibilities we owe towards the generations after us;
2.              To perceive the importance of bridging principles in the Vision of World Conquest.

              In this stage of earthly life, we can live only once, and that is in our own generation.  We can only live purposefully our earthly life in our own generation.  Meaning, God has given us an opportunity to manifest our worth in a certain period of earthly time during our generation.  So if we do not seize our moment of significance, it would be to our own loss and disgrace. 
              It is like an audition for a very important role, if you do not give the judges your best shot, then you have a very small chance of being chosen.  Likewise, our short stay in this earthly life is our chance to perform whatever role that God has entrusted to us in His Kingdom.  Don't waste your own generation!

              Our God is the god of generations.  He is concerned about generations to come.  What we are doing today would determine what kind of generation we expect in the coming years!  That's the reason we can not afford to be lenient in our generation. 
              Don't build a legacy that would crash because you did not take discipleship seriously!  Build a legacy that would last for many generations.  Create a ripple effect of your character and your ministry!

              Our Lord Jesus Christ revealed His love for us through His sacrificial death on the cross.  But these Core Values we build upon our lives would reveal the love of Jesus Christ to the next generations through you and me.  It is not enough that we dwell in the love of God for us, it would be unfair for the next generations, and God would not approve of that attitude.
              We should mirror the revelation of God's love by building these Core Values, because these Core Values would ultimately cause us, push us and compel us to fulfill the Great Commission which is God's revelation of His love towards the next generations through you and me.

10. ACCOMPLISHING CHURCH GOAL SETTING.  I support, help and fulfill the goals.
              Goals are strategic part of the Vision of World Conquest.  Without goals, is similar to having no vision at all.  It is like playing basketball without a basket, everybody dribbles the ball, pass the ball but no one scores because there is no basket or goal where to shoot the ball.  No score at all!  Who would like to play that game?  No challenge, no excitement because no one wins.
              If our mission is World Conquest, and our strategy is to WIN, CONSOLIDATE, DISCIPLE and SEND, in order to build our Teams of 12, 144, 1728, 20736 and so on, we should not stop in the process until we are there!  It does not matter what level we are now in today, what is important is we do not stop until we have mastered the vision, developed compassion and accomplish our goal.
              As we have said earlier, if you understand your role in the Kingdom of God, you would love training and equipping, because it is thru these that we can accomplish our goals to advance the Kingdom.
              We may be getting overcrowded here today, don't you worry, God sees our condition and if we would be patient enough, that 20,000 sitting capacity auditorium is coming.  So don't stop in the process!
              If the world's population stands now at 8 billion people, then we are not significant enough as we are at out stage of conquest - too many are still going to perish in hell.  If our cities population in Metro Manila stands at 50 million, then we are too insignificant a number in relation to the population. 
              This is not about the number of attendees or people we accumulate or the number of people we invest in who are going through the process.  This is about people getting saved! This is about people being transformed by the power of the Gospel!  This is about relationships being restored!  This is about families experiencing the redeeming grace of God!  This is about you and me gaining our eternal significance and reward!
              Fulfill your assigned goal!  Be result oriented!  Don't just get involved, pursue the goals!  This is your original design - productiveness to multiply!

11. I WANT TO SEE MY CHURCH GROW.  Pray, work and pay.
              God is concerned about His Church growing both in stature and in number!  When the Church grows, the Kingdom Army grow in number! And when the fighting Army, when the front-line Army increases, many souls are snatched from the hell-fire!  Many would be in eternity with God!
              That is why we need to be serious seeing our Church grow.  Growing in stature is growing in Christlikeness, maturing in character, willing to be transformed by the power of God, learning how to subdue pride with the spirit of humility; being able to submit to our covering and authority; and having an obedient spirit which is the goal of the Gospel. 
              We need to identify the obstacles of growth process and be able to deal with these.  On personal level and in every level there are hindrances and we need to be willing to overcome those!  Pride is the number one hindrance on the personal level!  Unwillingness to be changed because of ego!  But a true disciple is not entangled anymore with these satanic bait and deception! 
              Conquer pride with humility!  Christ did!  (Philippians 2:5-8 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.")
              We need to pray and pray hard to conquer our own selves, our pride, our fears and apprehensions.  We need to pray to be obedient to the word, not to wrestle with the word. 
              Watch what we post, it reveals the spirit taking hold of us and could cause a hindrance to our personal growth and ultimately affect Church growth.  The posts that we sponsor, like and share reflect the spirit that influences us, and one day realize the reason why growth slows down.

12. THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE.  I will prepare the next generation.
              The famous quote of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, states, "Ang mga kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan."  But thru decades this truth had been eroded by wrong values, drug menace and negative family factors that caused our youth to be one of the source of our society's problems.
              But thanks God there is yet hope!  Thanks God for the Discipleship Makers and the Discipleship Processes, we can truly say, "Ang mga Disipulong kabataan ang tunay na pag-asa ng bayan!"
              If satan destroyed the fabric that pervades the youth of our generation, Discipleship is God's solution!  We will never stop until we see a new generation of youth who are being used by God to transform our nation.  You are the hope of the next generation youth! 

              Let us declare: "I am a true disciple, caught by the Vision and committed to cell life; who is passionate spiritually, submitted to authority and invest my time eternally.   Because- I am committed to lifelong relationship, I love equipping and training to become a leader of twelve!  I am willing to accomplish my Church goals and love to see my Church grow in order to leave a good legacy to prepare my next generation.

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