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GREAT IS GOD'S FAITHFULNESS | Lamentations 3:22-23

SCRIPTURE: Lamentations 3:22 "Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."

1.    To declare the faithfulness of God daily in our lives in whatever circumstances we may be in;
2.    To develop the attitude of gratefulness daily as we experience God's unfailing love in all things.

    Do we understand that a minute in the world without God or His intervention, we are all finished, dead?  It is only "through the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed".  Consumed here indicates destruction, wasted, brought to nothing.  That's how crucial God's intervention is for us every second, every minute of our lives.  3 weeks without food, we will die.  3 days without water we will fail. 3 minutes without air, we will die.  What if God did't care and the sun did not shine for a month - all plants will die.  Without plants, oxygen would diminish.  Without oxygen, all life would die.
    Our God is a faithful God, whether we know it or not, whether we are faithful or not.  Whether we are believers or not.  (Matthew 5:45 " He makes the sun to rise on the good and the evil...")  Faithfulness is His inherent nature as the Sovereign, Almighty, Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer God.  His Words are faithful words and His works declare His faithfulness.  Life would end immediately without God being faithful to His own creation. 

    The Bible says in Hebrews 1:3 "who (Jesus Christ) being the brightness of His (The Father's) glory and the express image of His person, and upholding (sustaining) all things by the word of His power..."  What does this mean? Understand that God's creation is composed of systems and cycles that work together to sustain life on this planet!  The complex solar system, the water cycle, the life cycle, our intricate body systems.  All these are masterpieces of supernatural intelligence - God.
    Aren't you happy to know that there is a faithful God who cares about you despite every odds, inconveniences, oppositions and trials we are facing each day, yet, we are not consumed.

    Just look at yourself!  Who would say that you would still be alive today, it's only God.  It has been said that whenever a person sleeps, no body can tell whether he will still wake up the next day.  Many were not able to make it.  Thanks God we are all here, alive through the faithfulness of God. Know that every waking moments of your life is a miracle!  Although sometimes you were not able to thank Him for your life or even the day He woke you up to give you another lease of life.
    Every morning you wake up, the sun rises at its appointed time, although you did not see it rising!  You did not bother to ask anyone if the sun did rise, because you know it rises everyday!  That is God's faithfulness!  With God, everything has its appointed time and seasons!
    There are 24 hours a day, 365 and 1/4 days in a year, no more, no less!  God did not take one day or an hour less just because we were not grateful enough for Him.  He gave us the full count of minutes and hours and days because He is a faithful God, despite all our lapses and shortcomings.
    Yes, life is difficult and full of challenges, but look at yourself.  You are alive and well!  You are not consumed, destroyed, or wasted because our God is a Faithful God!

    For the covenant people of God, those who have honored Him by submitting to His Lordship and fulfilling His commandments - He keeps His covenant and mercy for a thousand generations. (Deuteronomy 7:9 “Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments..")
    The key is "those who love Him and keep His commandments."  God is faithful in His Covenant with His covenant people. If you are faithful in your covenant with God (you love and obey His commandments), then surely, He would keep you and prosper you. 

    When things are all doing well, it isn't hard to appreciate the faithfulness of God.  But when needs arise and provision is low, this is the time to be more grateful and appreciative of God's faithfulness!  You know why?  This is what the Bible teaches about the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving! 
    (Hebrews 13:15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.")
    God is honored when we offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for your provisions yet to come.  You are declaring His Lordship over your life, which means, your Lord-Owner is responsible to provide for all your needs.  He is your Yahuah-Yairah (Jehovah Jireh), the Lord Provider.
    Imagine the world around you - in the lostness of worldliness and materialistic endeavors, without hope and eternal future.  Yes, some people are fortunately blessed with everything they have need of, but sadly, not knowing Jesus Christ makes them the most unfortunate and the poorest people in the whole creation.  Even the richest people materially cannot match the riches God has for you.
    Declare His faithfulness by praising and worshipping Him!  By serving Him unconditionally and faithfully.

    You may be going through tests of life, some with severity.  Tests and trials are for a good reason.  These are needed to make us strong and to squeeze out the potential within us.  Without trials your potential will not be discovered.  The most helpful tools and gadgets were invented because of great needs.  Tests and trials of life also lead us to trust God and have hope in this life.  It is also needed for our fruit-bearing.  Strong winds beat on trees and branches to prepare those for fruit-bearing.
    Trust that God would see you through and be faithful to Him in everything.  If you begin to be faithful in small things, you will develop faithfulness in big sthings, God can entrust to you great things.  Be faithful in your tithes and in your giving, and you would experience His hands lifting you up from poverty and oppression.  Be faithful in going to your Cell Group gathering and Sunday Celebrations, and you would experience your life being developed for greatness.  Be faithful in your calling and He would raise up the leader in you. 
    His compassion is great upon you!  Love Him and fulfill His commandments!  Great is His faithfulness upon you!

    Because you choose to value His Word and His plan for you, He has placed so much value upon your life - more than you can think of or imagine! You are precious!  Trust in God's faithfulness.  It is new every morning!  His faithfulness will not fail you, just be faithful to Him.

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