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BORN TO MULTIPLY | Genesis 1:28

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:28 "Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

1.    To deeply impress upon our consciousness the Core Values of a Disciple of Jesus Christ that would lead us to fulfill the Great Commission.
2.    To emphasize in order for us to live out- God's original design for us of fruitfulness and multiplication.

    The real measure of success is not in having large financial deposit in the bank, nor in having a nice, comfortable home, nor in having an expensive, luxurious car, nor in having a successful business venture.  These things are desirable to have in this temporal life, but these are not the ultimate.
    Success is not a real success without a successor and prosperity is not a real prosperity without leaving a legacy that would last for eternity.

    Our days are the days of prophetic fulfillment of the end of age wherein the trends are leading to the close of this present age.  (2Tim 3:1 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.)
    These have long been prophesied to take place, not by the will of God, but by the purpose of man, apart from God.  Deceived mankind is destroying God's creation and this will not stop until the determined time when God would judge wickedness in order for Him to create a New Heaven and a New Earth where righteousness dwells and where you and me are destined to be.
    Let us discuss these trends for us to be updated and alerted.  We don't have time to waste.
1.    The fulfillment of Rev 13:16-18, known as the "Mark of the Beast" is possibly just around the corner, with the approval of "National ID System" which provides for chipping or forcing a microchip to be implanted in the people's right hand or forehead. 
2.    The passing of immoral laws like SOGIE Bill, Divorce law and other Biblically contradicting laws, which we foresee not stop until the resistance gives up.  We should be relentlessly opposing this.
3.    The Illuminati who are determined to implement the "One World Government" and the ushering of the one world leader or the Beast.  Had it not been for God's intervention with Trump's election as the American President, it may have come sooner.   And I would say, President Duterte's installation as our president is likewise God's intervention because He sees that His Church is rising to its call by fulfilling the Great Commission.  We should realize this is our battle!
4.    Had it not been for God's intervention, the Philippines, even the whole world would have already been in chaos and ready for the implementation of the New World Order or the One World Government.  This is not a conspiracy theory as many suppose it is, this is Biblically supported.
5.    The U.N.'s depopulation program is subtly progressing: vaccinations, weather manipulation, food poisoning that cause illnesses even death.  Drug menace is run in high level and is not abetted.

    We believe that God had given us the solution to all these.  It does not mean we can stop all these, rather, the situation would become worse and worse leading to the seven years of Great Tribulation.
    The solution is World Conquest by fulfilling the Great Commission!  God can save only as many as those whom His Disciples could reach out.   So if His Disciples or Army will not train to conquer, many would perish unto everlasting flames.  God depends on you and me!  That's hope or tragedy!
    Hope if we respond, but tragedy if we do not respond or if we give up what we are doing.

7. LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP.  Accountable and Responsible.
    Eph 3:14 "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,"
    Let us always perceive life in the light of eternity, meaning, we were created by God to live together with Him in His Kingdom for all eternity.  We are the eternal family!  Let us look forward to that season of rejoicing and enjoying all of God's goodness and everything that He has in store for us!
    If you are enduring something or going through certain trials, just pass on!  Those are all temporary.
    What we need to do is to pursue God's Divine Delight -  Rescue 777!  Pursue the Great Commission!  Rescue people in the brink of death and hell!  This is our assignment and our significance!
    We have to value lifelong relationship. Be responsible to one another.  Be your brother's keeper!  Remind, warn, correct, instruct one another.  Motivate, inspire, equip, train people entrusted to you! 
    We need to be accountable to God!  Accountability is the ultimate manifestation of our responsibility! 

8. I LOVE EQUIPPING AND TRAINING. Training is my happy hour!
    2Timothy 2:2 "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
    If you know how important your role in the Kingdom is, you would love training and equipping.  Training and equipping are not only for the young people and the physically able.  Training in righteousness and leadership knows no age limit, as a matter of fact, it is when you are advanced in years that these trainings produce the most benefit.  Be involved in kingdom training and equipping! 
    Training keeps your motor working properly, especially those advancing in years like your pastor.  Unlike metal motors, our human motor, does not depreciate when used constantly.  It is when you think less that your motor slows down and causes it to get stuck up and rusty.  Don't rust buddy!
    That is why the concept of retirement had placed many people in the range from 50's and above to slow down and get their mind set to decelerate the pace of life.  Life must go on towards eternity, remember!  We will not die, but fulfill our mission until Jesus comes back!  Come on! 
    Before you get conscious for your health, get conscious with your lifestyle at your young age!  People get conscious about their health when they feel sick already.  Change this paradigm!  Your lifestyle would either take care or destroy your health.  Your lifestyle at your young age will determine your health as you advance in years!  So take care of your lifestyle and it would take care of you!
    If you love to reach out and save those people around you, love training and equipping! 

9. I AM A LEADER OF 12 DISCIPLES.  I am born to multiply.
    Matthew 4:19 "Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
    Jesus is our model in everything, and it would be most fulfilling if, during our lifetime, we would be able to disciple at least twelve people as Jesus did!  You can, just be willing to make it your life's goal to do it!  It would be most rewarding to stand before God to give account of your earthly life, doing His good pleasure!  It's not too late, fathers, mothers, even grandparents!  And it is not too early, young people!  It would be best to start early in life, make it your lifestyle and culture!
    You are born to multiply!  That is your original design!  A good musician is one who have produced his skills in the lives of other people.  A good leader is one who have trained leaders after him.  Multiplication has its proper place in the lives of people, and if people will understand this, the world would be a better place to live in.  Multiply what is best, multiply Jesus' disciples!
    Remember, life's peak is when there are people to whom you have shared what you best have!  Success is successful only when you have successors!  Prosperity is prosperous when you have left legacies that extend through eternity!  Your legacy is your life, multiplied in the lives of others!

Let us declare: "I am a true disciple, caught by the Vision and committed to cell life; who is passionate spiritually, submitted to authority and invest my time eternally.   Because I am committed to lifelong relationship, I love equipping and training to become a leader of twelve!

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