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SCRIPTURE:  2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
1.    Understanding the compassion of Jesus Christ, we should allow that same compassion to motivate us to do our part in connecting to people who need to be rescued from the hands of the enemy.
2.    To enlist ourselves to become Armies of God in the frontline battle for the lost souls.
    Last week, we discussed the Great Compassion that Our Lord Jesus Christ had towards mankind.  This compassion led Him up to the cross of Calvary to sacrifice His own blood for the redemption of mankind.  That same compassion continues to burden His heart even now as we speak, and for as long as there are people out there that need His saving grace. 
    His long-suffering towards us is endless, waiting for people to come to the knowledge of His redemption works.  Not wanting that anyone should perish, but waiting for people to come to a life of repentance and live a life that would qualify them for the best life in eternity.
    Knowledge is power as long as its beholder finds its usefulness and acts on it.  As disciples, we do not have mere knowledge in the will of God, we have an internalized knowledge called faith.  We believe God's Word at its face value. We believe it is true and powerful and needs to be done.
    As we are getting more and more enlightened in that same compassion demonstrated by Jesus Christ, we should begin to have a deeper understanding that the Lord's intention is to pass that same compassion to His own people in order to engage themselves in the rescue mission.  If compassion means "suffering together with" the people whom we pity, that same compassion motivates us into the best action how we can help alleviate the desperate condition of man.  If the need is immediate rescue from spiritual loss or danger, then we should come to an action plan to rescue people from imminent danger.  (Example: a dying person who missed to hear the Gospel)
    God sees the imminent, desperate need of mankind for rescue, not from physical or natural calamity or danger, but rescue from the danger of eternal condemnation that awaits every person who have not avail yet of the salvation of Jesus Christ in their lives, thereby losing their opportunity to be qualified to partake to an eternal security in God's presence in a place he prepared for the obedient.
    When we speak about a burden, it is something we carry for ourselves.  It involves responsibility, commitment, efforts, and accountability.  The Lord's burden is your burden.
    Our Scripture clearly demonstrates that God is eternal, His plan is eternal and the life of man is also eternal.  We don't merely exist for today in this temporal life.  This life we have cannot be extinguished.  It will continue to live forever.  "One day with the Lord is as a thousand years" to man!
    He has waited and is still waiting for a man to come back to Him in true repentance and to live a life worthy of His presence in the coming ages.  Next age is the Millennial Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ, would you be there?  After that age of one thousand years, you would still be alive with a new incorruptible body to enter the final, ultimate destiny called eternity.
    Live today as living in eternity!  Don't just live as if life would end after physical death.  Start living eternity today, plan for eternity!  Let eternity be your purpose!  And most importantly, take your loved ones, the people you care about, your friends, neighbors and everybody else you could take to eternity!  Don't allow them to be left behind in eternal doom and condemnation.  Compassion! Join the rescue operation!

    2Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
    See yourself in a thousand years and beyond.  Stop living for earthly, temporal life.  You need to plan and prepare yourself for the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ!  You need to see yourself through this present, earthly sufferings and pains with eternity as your ultimate goal. 
    If today you are in difficulty and sufferings, persevere, pass every test of life, live a life pleasing to God, fulfill your purpose and look forward to being with your King in His Kingdom!
    If today you are in abundance, know why the Lord has blessed you with so much!  Do not live just for today, and for yourself alone, live your purpose!  Live with eternity in mind!
    Live out compassion, see people around you and join God's Rescue Operation.  You are on a mission!
    2Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
    God did not and will not save you for nothing, He has a plan and purpose for you!  Fulfill it if you know it, seek to understand it if you do not know it yet.  Don't live just for today fulfilling your dream, align your dreams along with the Dream of Jesus Christ for you!  Dream with Jesus Christ!
    Your eternal significance is found in fulfilling the Lord's calling upon your life.  Know that the Lord has a plan for you wherever or in whatever situation or condition you are in right now.  Shine the light of Jesus Christ wherever you are!  Influence the people around you for God and His will.  You are the salt of the earth, give your flavor and the preservation effect of your salt! 
    Prepare yourself and the people around you for eternity.
    2Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
    Jesus Christ would come again we do not know when, so be ready!  Don't get caught in Unpreparedness.  No one would and could not tell us when, so always be ready and be busy fulfilling your purpose.  But don't just prepare yourself, take your loved ones, take your friend, your neighbors and take as many as you can to eternity.  This age is coming to its end and the enemy's deception will increase, so don't be caught in his trap of materialism and false teachings.
    If your dreams and effort are of temporal in nature, those would just be burnt out and come to nothing.  But if you serve God by fulfilling your divine purpose, your works would survive the fire of purification and be rewarded for you to enjoy in eternity.
    Take Jesus Christ's compassion with you daily, share the Gospel with people around you daily with every opportunity, carry them all through eternity!  Don't allow people you care about to be left out!
    We should be serious in asking God to break our heart with the same burden that breaks His heart. James 4:17 "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

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