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SCRIPTURE: John 8:31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

1.    To instill in the disciples' consciousness who we are and develop in us the cultures and attitudes that are becoming of a disciple.
2.    To define the reasons why we live, fight and determine the conditions what we could die for.

    What is "core"? Core is the central or the most important part of something (Ubod, kaibuturan).  In Botany, damaging the core of a tree or plant causes these to die.  The core is the plant's connection and pipeline of water and nutrients from the soil to every part of it .  In a person's life, the heart is its core, both physically and morally.  In relationship, love with commitment is the core. 
    Core Values, then are the most important values or virtues of a person or a group of people which often are the reasons for their existence or living.  They would fight or even die for these values. 
    People fight against each other because of their core values.  Rebellions and insurrections are caused by difference in principles and ideologies of different interest groups (the government, NPA, ISIS, etc).  This is why there will always be differences and there would be wars up until Jesus Christ returns and establishes His own kingdom.  By then, there would only be one core values, and those would be of God's.

    When we speak about the "core values" of the disciples of Jesus Christ, then those are the very foundation of true disciples, without which, they cannot be or remain to be disciples.  They will not be able to pass, survive or withstand the test of time because they have no strong foundations.  This is the main reason why many who have gone through the discipleship process suddenly stop and then you cannot hear from them anymore.  We need to identify the reason or motivations for living and the reason why we fight daily and ultimately the cause that we should die for.
    This is the very reason we need to memorize, personalize, internalize and actualize the core values of a disciple.  These would be our source of motivation and strength during difficult times.  These would be the very reasons for our existence and the very reasons why we are still alive today. 
    Other reasons, whether personal, family or work related, become just next to these Core Values.

    Our text gives us a definite key to becoming a "disciple indeed" or a true disciple of Jesus Christ, that is, ABIDE in His Word!  Other translations say CONTINUE in His Word  (in reference to state or condition: "to remain as one, not to become another or different").  So when Jesus tells you and me, "Abide in My word", we are to be steadfast, immovable and without compromise, doers of His Word! 
    And then, followed by a promise of knowing the truth that would set us free.  Abiding or continuing to apply the principles of the Kingdom, gives us the keys that unlock the wisdom and revelations that enables us to enjoy the unlimited resources of our Father in heaven - freedom from curses, freedom from bondages of sin, freedom from satanic deception and lies.

    John 8:31 "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed."
    A Disciple is one who have been called to surrender his/her life, give up everything in order to follow Jesus.  Being a believer or a Christian is not enough! But to be a Disciple is the ultimate calling.  Being a Christian is just the beginning, but being a disciple is going deeper into His calling.
    There are two identifying criteria of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, these are most relevant to His life and ministry.  These criteria are Christlikeness and Multiplying Ministry.
    Christlikeness simply deals with the formation of His character into our lives. Christlikeness deals with our personal transformation from old self to a new creation experience.  Having a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, understanding His finished works  at the Calvary's cross, leaving the old life of sin behind and embracing the Disciples' Lifestyles: 1) Devotional Life; 2) Cell life; 3) Attending Sunday Celebrations; and 4) Undergoing Equipping and Training. Without embracing the Disciples' Lifestyles, we cannot achieve Christlikeness and we cannot be a true Disciple.
    Multiplying Ministry deals with His focused discipleship of the Twelve.  This is Jesus' multiplication strategy!  He could not have multiplied His ministry had He not focused on developing and training the Twelve!  If a church leader would just preach and teach, he could not have a multiplying ministry.  That is the traditional way!  But understanding Jesus' strategy, we can multiply disciples exponentially, we can reach out for more and fulfill the Great Commission with impact. 
    Having a ministry in not enough just for the sake of having a ministry!  Not the secondary ministries like music ministry, dance ministry, finance ministry, ushering ministry and attending ministry, but the PRIMARY MINISTRY OF MAKING DISCIPLES! This is what Jesus would have us do.  The secondary ministries do not have a "Multiplying Effect"!  The Primary Ministry would get the job done.

    Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no revelation (vision) the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law."
    The vision of Jesus Christ is our strong rallying point.  It is the most godly and most noble cause!  Without this most important undertaking, it would be difficult to rally or gather people together!
    We should have an understanding of Christ mission in leaving His heavenly throne behind and becoming a man.  The consuming passion of our Lord is to die on the cross for the redemption of mankind.  Only thru His atoning sacrifice that the vision of world conquest could be accomplished. 
    We cannot be caught by the vision by just attending the church!  We need to be immersed in the compassion for the lost people of this world!  Without compassion, many would perish in hell and they could be the very people you care about.  Feel the heartbeat of God!  Understand the reality of hell and the ultimate lake of fire awaiting every lost people, forever!
    By world conquest, we win the people one by one.  Helping the people find their way back to God.  After leading them back to God, we need to help them start up their new life in Christ.  Once they start up, we need to help them understand their purpose in life.  Then we help them engage in the mission of Jesus Christ.  This is the very life of every true disciple!
    Training and equipping are crucial in accomplishing this vision.

    Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
    A weekly gathering together in a cell group is necessary to sustain your spiritual growth and maturity.  We cannot expect to grow by just attending once a week during Sunday!  This world is too dangerous place to be, and if you would meet only once a week, you would be too weak to resist the deceitfulness and temptations of worldly living.
    The Cell is your home! Without a Cell you would be a spiritual orphan! 
    Don't just attend your Cell, commit your life to your Cell Group, it is your spiritual home for nourishment, development, growth and basic training!  "Continue steadfastly" in your cell.  Love your cell as you love to be at home when you were still young! 

Remember, CORE VALUES are our backbone and foundation, without which, we could not stand on our own and we could easily get lost in this world.

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